In 1992 in the structure of Avicenna Tajik State Medical University was organized a hygienic -sanitary faculty and because of insufficiency number of students till 1996 docent Mgeladze T.S. was a dean of Stomatological and Public Health faculties.

In 1993 the faculty was renamed to medico-preventive faculty. In 1996 the medico-preventive faculty was separated from the Stomatological faculty. In 1996-2000 years MD, Professor Babaev A.B. was the dean of the faculty.

In 1998 the department of Epidemiology was especially opened for the medico-preventive faculty and Yarasheva D.M., MD, Professor was appointed head of the department. Firstly it seemed that this department is similar to the former one but they renewed the educational program which corresponded to the faculty.

In addition to its two departments: general hygiene and ecology and social hygiene were opened and their task was preparing high qualified specialists of this sphere.

After the foundation of special departments of the faculty their educational basis were founded in the republican and town sanitary-epidemiological institutions, also educational programs were renewed and published again. All new founded departments were supplied with teachers from the number of workers of republican, town sanitary-epidemiological administrations.

In 2000-2001 years c.m.s., docent Nestrenko V.E. worked as a dean of medico-preventive faculty.

From 2001 till the termination of activity of medico-preventive faculty, till 2005 MD, Professor Daburov K.N. was the dean of the faculty. In 2005 the faculty was renamed to the faculty of Public health (PHF). From 2005 till August, 2009 MD, Professor Daburov K.N., from August, 2009 till 2011 c.m.s., docent Usmanova G.M., from 2011 till February, 2016 c.m.s., docent Matinov Sh.K., from March, 2016 till January, 2018 c.m.s., docent Nosirov K.N. were dean of this faculty. From January, 2018 c.m.s., docent Saidzoda B.I. is working as a dean of the faculty of Public health.

Teachers and professor staff of special departments of the faculty passed courses of professional development in the basis of medical academy of Moscow (Russian Federation), Kaunas medical faculty of Lithuania, European universities, USA, Canada, Israel and Kazakhstan.

Including 8 doctors of medical sciences, Professors: Daburov K.N., Boboev A.B., Rofiev H.K., Lukyanov N.B., Rahmonov E.R., Kayumov A.K., Sattorov S.S., Khojaeva N.M. and 18 candidates of medical sciences, docents passed these kinds of professional developing courses.

Preparation of scientific-pedagogical staff is organized in a high level and during last year 8 doctors of medical sciences and more than 25 candidates of medical sciences are prepared. Nowadays 271 students are studying at the faculty (including 9 foreign students), which 108 are girls and 161 are boys. Students of the faculty study well and take an active part in the cultural and social life of the University and even out of it. Half of them are active members of youth department, students union and ladies department. There is a student’s builder group is formed at the University and they actively make a contribution in the prosperity of the University.

From 2007 the education is organized through the credit system. The study at the faculty is organized in two periods. In the first period the students gain specialty of Public health, Hygiene and Epidemiology. The second period is magistracy, which after two years of study the students will gain the Diploma of magistracy of Public Health.

Graduates of the faculty have a chance to continue their study in the internship, residency and postgraduate studies (PHD). Every year 50-60 students are admitted to the faculty. In 1998 the first graduates of the faculty started their activity and now more than 1000 of them are working in different spheres of social life of our Republic.

Nowadays under the messages of the founder of National unity, Leader of nation, the President of Republic of Tajikistan dear Imomali Rahmon, orders and tasks of Ministry of health and social protection of population of Republic of Tajikistan and Ministry of education and sciences of Republic of Tajikistan in preparing of qualified specialists according to modern requirements is the main task of the administration of the university and the faculty of Public health.

Nowadays for the improvement of the quality of educational system and strengthening of technical basis of the departments, the administration of the University under the guidance of Rector of University dear Gulzoda M.K. MD, Professor, dean office and staffs of the departments of the faculty are trying.

Department Contact Info

137 Rudaki Avenue, Dushanbe City, Tajikistan
(+992) 37 224-52-88
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.