History of ATSMU

Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibn Sino celebrates its glorious 84th anniversary. Describing the history of TSMU , it should be noted that Tajik medicine has an original history, the origins of which go back to ancient times. The treasury of world medical science was enriched by the works of the greatest scientists and doctors of antiquity, and above all Abuali ibn Sino (X-XI centuries), from which many generations of doctors and scientists of the world drew medical knowledge and skills. It is worth mentioning the important fact that the civilizations of the Ancient East enriched humanity with an invaluable heritage, without which it is difficult to imagine the further development of world history, culture, science and medicine.
It should be emphasized that from 1917 to 1924. 20th century Tajik medicine and health care practically did not develop: there were almost no medical institutions or medical personnel. Some therapeutic and prophylactic and sanitary and anti-epidemic measures were carried out almost exclusively by employees of the military department.
As part of the government of the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in 1924, the People’s Commissariat of Health of the Republic was created (the East Bukhara Health Department was abolished). However, the newly created People’s Commissariat of Health had to start all over again, almost from scratch. In connection with the revolutionary events that took place in 1917-1918. also in Central Asia, the functioning small network of medical institutions was liquidated, and medical personnel left for the central regions of Russia. The formation of the Tajik Republic created real prerequisites for its political, social, economic and cultural development; in solving important problems, certain attention was paid to the protection and improvement of the health of the working masses, the solution of which began in the second period, which covered 1924-1929, when Tajikistan was still an autonomous republic. Immediately after the formation of the Tajik SSR (1929), the problem of training medical personnel arose. The first major scientific expedition to Tajikistan arrived in 1930, headed by Professor of the Central Tropical Institute E.M. Marcinovsky to organize the fight against malaria. The merit of academician E. N. Pavlovsky, who led and organized a number of major scientific expeditions to study parasitic diseases in Tajikistan, should be especially noted; he was the organizer and leader of the Tajik branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, established in Dushanbe in 1941. The first Tajik doctor, a scientist malariologist, was a 1931 graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Central Asian University U.M. Muminov. ) there was a problem of training medical personnel. The first major scientific expedition to Tajikistan arrived in 1930, headed by Professor of the Central Tropical Institute E.M. Marcinovsky to organize the fight against malaria. The merit of academician E. N. Pavlovsky, who led and organized a number of major scientific expeditions to study parasitic diseases in Tajikistan, should be especially noted; he was the organizer and leader of the Tajik branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, established in Dushanbe in 1941. The first Tajik doctor, a scientist malariologist, was a 1931 graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Central Asian University U.M. Muminov. ) there was a problem of training medical personnel. The first major scientific expedition to Tajikistan arrived in 1930, headed by Professor of the Central Tropical Institute E.M. Marcinovsky to organize the fight against malaria. The merit of academician E. N. Pavlovsky, who led and organized a number of major scientific expeditions to study parasitic diseases in Tajikistan, should be especially noted; he was the organizer and leader of the Tajik branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, established in Dushanbe in 1941. The first Tajik doctor, a scientist malariologist, was a 1931 graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Central Asian University U.M. Muminov. The merit of academician E. N. Pavlovsky, who led and organized a number of major scientific expeditions to study parasitic diseases in Tajikistan, should be especially noted; he was the organizer and leader of the Tajik branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, established in Dushanbe in 1941. The first Tajik doctor, a scientist malariologist, was a 1931 graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Central Asian University U.M. Muminov. The merit of academician E. N. Pavlovsky, who led and organized a number of major scientific expeditions to study parasitic diseases in Tajikistan, should be especially noted; he was the organizer and leader of the Tajik branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, established in Dushanbe in 1941. The first Tajik doctor, a scientist malariologist, was a 1931 graduate of the Medical Faculty of the Central Asian University U.M. Muminov.
In 1933, at the request of the Council of People’s Commissars (SNK) of the Tajik SSR, a medical institute was founded in the city of Stalinabad, on the territory of today’s Research Institute of Preventive Medicine. In those years, there were no secondary schools and applicants with completed secondary education in the republic, so it was decided to invite students of the first two years of the Khujand Medical College to the new institute. Among the students were Zikrullo Khodjaev, Usmon, Karim and Nabidjon Akhmedov, Shakhri Khaidarova, Sharifa Akhunova, Abdusattor Nurmatov, Zohir Olimov, Islom Maksumov, Yuldosh Juraev and others. Headed the Medical Institute A.V. Knak, who previously worked as deputy director of the Khujand Medical College.
Education at the institute was conducted in Russian and Tajik languages. Anatomy was taught by the only professor at the institute A.V. Tikhonovich, the student Z.P. Khodzhaev translated into Tajik. After two years of functioning, the university was closed due to the lack of appropriate conditions, in particular, a weak material and technical base, and a lack of highly qualified teachers. The students of the abolished medical institute were transferred in 1935 to the Tashkent Medical Institute.

Our Faculties

In 5 faculties - Medical, Pediatric, Dental, Pharmaceutical and Public health - there are 10 thousand 491 students. At the postgraduate level (internship, clinical residency, master’s degree, postgraduate studies) 920 students continue their education in ATSMU, and at the preparatory department - 580.Total - 11 thousand 991 students.

Our Priorities

Internationalization is one of the priorities of the University’s development Strategy. ATSMU plays a prominent role in the implementation of the "Program of innovative development of the Republic of Tajikistan on 2011 - 2020," Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of science and technology on 2015 - 2020, "Programs of training of scientific personnel of the Republic of Tajikistan on 2009 - 2015."

Our Students

Of the total number of students at the pre-graduate and post-graduate levels, more than 1,500 are foreign nationals from 15 countries such as India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Canada, Latvia, Germany, Finland, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Armenia. At the Faculty of Higher Education, which has been in operation from 1949.

Special Campus Tour

For persons from far abroad, in order to facilitate their studies at the university, classes are organized on the study of State, Russian and English languages and disciplines of general education. In 2003, with the support of the Branch of the International Organization of the Open Society Institute - the Fund for Assistance in Tajikistan in the ATSMU, the project "Establishment of the School" Organization of Public Health "in the Republic ofTajikistan." The aim of the project was to create a master’s training program "Public Health Organization." The project was implemented in several stages. More than 20 teachers from the faculty of the ATSMU, as well as employees of the Tajik Institute of Postgraduate Training of Medical Personnel have undergone advanced training in the issues "Organization of Public Health" at the School "Organization of Public Health" of the KMU, Summer School "Organization of Public Health" in Moscow, at the flagship Courses. At the same time, under the existing law of the educational system of the Republic of Tajikistan, it was not possible to open a master’s degree in the specialty "Organization of public health" because there was no faculty "Organization of public health."

Special Campus Tour

In this regard, the task of the project included the establishment of such a faculty based on the ATSMU. With the support and assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science , Ministry of Health the Republic of Tajikistan and the management of the ATSMU, the faculty was transformed into the Faculty of Public Health Organization. As a result, in September 2006, a master’s degree in Public Health Organization was opened under the ATSMU. The WHO Regional Office for Europe provides assistance and support in the implementation of the reform of medical and pharmaceutical education, which're presents 3-level education with training of masters of medicine. Contacts have been established to exchange experience in training medical and pharmaceutical personnel with Colorado State University(USA) and Xinjiang (PRC). University teachers have internships in the United States and European countries on family medicine teaching. From 1998, an agreement has been concluded between the MD Republic of Tajikistan and the MD Russian Federation on the approval of scientists of the titles of professor and associate professor. Scientists of degrees approve the HCC Russian Federation. In recent years, ATSMU contacts with CIS scientific centers: Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan have been strengthened. From 2001, in accordance with the Government Decision on the Concept of Reform of Higher Medical and Pharmaceutical Education in Tajikistan, training has been initiated for specialists in 3-year training of masters of medicine in various specialties. The training is conducted in 3 languages: state, Russian and English. From 2010, the University has initiated a reform of higher medical education to bring it into line with the requirements of the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME). ATSMU is included in the FAIMER International Catalogue of Medical Education, the Directory of the Educational Commission of Graduates of Foreign Medical Universities (ECFMG) and the Directory of Medical Universities of the World Health Organization.

Special Campus Tour

As of 01.09.2019, the University employs 942 teachers, including 750 fulltime employees, including academics, corresponding members of the Academy of Science of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, doctors and candidates of sciences, which make up 43.6% of the teaching staff. From the regular professional and teaching staff (PTS) 4 academician, 2 corresponding members of the Academy of Science of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, 85 professors,236 assistant professor, 423 senior teachers and assistants. Teachers with qualification categories teach clinical disciplines. 79.8% of full-time clinical profile PTS have qualification categories, including 88%(553) the highest category. The university is staffed by professional and teaching staff in all specialties and languages of study. This task is carried out through doctoral studies, postgraduate studies, PhD doctoral studies, research, master’s degrees and clinical residency. The number of doctoral students is -7, postgraduate students, PhD doctoral students, masters - 93, applicants - 72, clinical residents - 277 (including 12 foreigners) in 21 specialties. At present, ATSMU is trained in the following faculties: medical - since 1996, dental since 1977, pharmaceutical since 1981, pediatric since 2014, public health 1992. There are 10,491 students in 61 departments.